My wife is a heavy contributer to the blogging world and I have never had much interest in pursuing it on my own. Probably because I didn't have much to say. Its not like I have an extremely exciting job like a Fireman or Balloon Artist. If I did I could blog about saving lives or making poodles out of inflated latex. But my good friend Alex posed the question the other day, "Why don't you start a food blog?"
So I did.... and here is why.
I like food... check that.... I love food. It consumes my days (pun intended). I think about food from the time I get up (what's for breakfast) until the time I go to sleep (what should I dream about? soups? or grilled meat?). It kills my wife because as soon as we finish a meal I begin discussing the next one.
I love to cook. It relaxes me. It is my stress relief. I cook after work to wind down. I like to cook more than I like to eat (barely). I have been blessed with family and friends who love to cook and eat. On this blog I'll let them share as well, because food is also about fellowship. There is nothing on this earth that I love more than cooking and eating with my family and my friends.
Food is the one thing that we ALL have a daily interaction with. You could also count breathing and sleeping, but those aren't as fun (unless you are a narcoleptic or asthmatic). Food defines cultures, subcultures, barrios, and classes. Food now has several channels (in HD) devoted to it. Food has a history and a future. Food has endless possibilities and a great dish is just as good the 1st time as it is the 30th time.
So why food? Because I am a foodie, thats why.
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